Monday, August 30, 2010
Day 241
It's been 2 weeks since I completed my first 3Day walk. My feet are getting back to normal, my duffle bag is unpacked (well mostly anyway), I've looked at lots of 3Day pictures from the event, shared stories with friends and families ... and now I wonder 'what do I do next?'.
I received an email from another walker over the weekend. It was nice to hear from her. She said her feet were nearly healed and wanted to know what I thought of my first walk (I think it was her 2nd). She said she promised herself that she wouldn't decide about the 2011 walk on an impulse. She said it'd be like being in the delivery room and trying to decide if you wanted to have another baby. I loved the anology. I had promised myself and my husband before I went on this year's walk that I would NOT commit to the next one while being under the emotional (& hormonal) effects of the current one. Of course ... then I also got an email last week from Susan G. Komen reminding me that I can apply a $35 discount to my registration fee if I register before November 23rd ... no pressure huh?
I admit I had a bit of a rough time getting through the whole walk because of the heat. I'd walked more than 500 miles in my training, but only got in about 38 of the 60 on the walk. To say I was disappointed would be a HUGE understatement. The fighter in me is ready to jump right back in and say 'let's give it another whirl and try to do better on the next one'. Then the doubter in me (I hate when it rears its ugly head) says 'maybe you should try crewing next year instead of taking on the walk'. I must admit I'm a bit confused. Of course I do have plenty of time to make that decision (well ... at least til November 23rd).
Any suggestions? I'd love to hear your thoughts on it.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Day 230
The Michigan 2010 Susan G. Komen 3Day for the Cure walk is now complete. Ironically enough it was one of Michigan's hottest weekends of the summer so far. To share a bit of the experience with you, it's probably best to just start at the beginning.
Thursday I headed out to Farmington Hills to the site of the Opening Cermonies for the rehearsal. I was nominated and chosen to carry an 'In Honor Of' flag. I carried the 'In Honor of Myself' flag, symbolizing to me that I am indeed a survivor. We were given instructions as to which flag we would carry, which side of the stage we would enter from, where we would post our flag, etc. It was all very helpful. Next I headed to my sister Cindy's house to help her pack her duffle bag before our two other teammates (Kristen & Stefanie) would arrive later for our Pre-3Day slumber party (it was most helpful that my sister lived just a couple of miles from the opening ceremony and the 3Day campsite.
Friday morning we were all up bright and early. We arrived at the Opening Ceremony site just a little past 5:30am. The ceremonies were energizing. The 1800+ walkers were dressed in varying shades of pink, feather boas, every combination of clothing you can imagine. The energy level was definately on the high side. The 21+ mile walk for Day One began. We walked through the Farmington Hills & Livonia area through business districts & residential neighborhoods. Cheering stations were filled with clapping supporters, sprinklers, bottles of water, snacks, ice water for dipping our bandana scarves, and A LOT OF SIGNS AND PINK!! Everyone from the crew & volunteers to the supporters were amazing. The weather was HOT & HUMID which made for an exhausting first day. I made it through 20.5 miles the first day, but the heat apparently got the best of me. My heart was all 'aflutter' ... literally. I made it back to camp and saw the medics to find my heartrate & BP were way too high. For me it meant a discouraging detour to the local emergency room. 3 IV bags & a potassium cocktail later and I was heading home (or at least back to my sister's air conditioned house) for the night. The doctors said my electrolytes were good and I wasn't dehydrated, but the heat had temporarily stressed my heart. I felt pretty defeated when the doctor said I couldn't walk on Saturday. I felt like a hormonal failure who was letting my donors down. Everyone reminded me that the $5000 in donations I had raised were just that ... 'donations to breast cancer research' - they were NOT 'per mile pledges'. Of course try telling that to someone who is about to watch her teammates walk through the Plymouth cheering station on Saturday. The doctors tried to remind me of the 500+ training miles I had already walked during the past several months. I assured them that I would agree with them (later ... after I got home).
Saturday (Day Two) I went (like a good little soldier) to the cheering station and cheered my teammates on with their families. It was difficult to do, but the most sensible thing nonetheless. By Saturday evening I arrived back at the 3day camp and was finally cleared by the medics to walk again on Sunday if I promised to watch for the warning signs and take it easy in the heat. I had dinner at camp with my teammates and enjoyed a mini concert from Candy Coburn (who sings the 3day theme song 'She's A Pink Warrior'.) It was an enjoyable evening, then back to my sister's air conditioned house for the night.
Sunday (Day Three) I was feeling much stronger and was able to walk 14 of the 16.6 miles en route to the closing ceremonies. We walked through Livonia, Redford, Hines Park, Dearborn Heights and Dearborn. Overall it was a great day! By Day 3 I discovered that while many were fortunate enough to walk all 60 miles many others (for various reasons) were not able to do the whole thing ... which let me know that I was no longer a failure. We can train correctly for months, hydrate-hydrate-hydrate, eat our prescribed salty snacks, slather on our SPF50 sunscreen ... basically do everything that we can control. But there will still be those things like the hot weather or rainstorms that we simply cannot control. Gosh I hate the fact that I'm not the Wonder Woman that I like to think I am.
The closing ceremonies were at the Ford World Headquarters in Dearborn. There was a great turnout from family and friends. I was on stage with my 'In Honor Flag' while Candy Coburn sang the 'Pink Warrior' theme song. It was a wonderful ending to an overall great weekend. The Michigan event alone raised $5.4 million dollars for breast cancer research and community awareness programs. Well done everyone!
Thursday I headed out to Farmington Hills to the site of the Opening Cermonies for the rehearsal. I was nominated and chosen to carry an 'In Honor Of' flag. I carried the 'In Honor of Myself' flag, symbolizing to me that I am indeed a survivor. We were given instructions as to which flag we would carry, which side of the stage we would enter from, where we would post our flag, etc. It was all very helpful. Next I headed to my sister Cindy's house to help her pack her duffle bag before our two other teammates (Kristen & Stefanie) would arrive later for our Pre-3Day slumber party (it was most helpful that my sister lived just a couple of miles from the opening ceremony and the 3Day campsite.
Friday morning we were all up bright and early. We arrived at the Opening Ceremony site just a little past 5:30am. The ceremonies were energizing. The 1800+ walkers were dressed in varying shades of pink, feather boas, every combination of clothing you can imagine. The energy level was definately on the high side. The 21+ mile walk for Day One began. We walked through the Farmington Hills & Livonia area through business districts & residential neighborhoods. Cheering stations were filled with clapping supporters, sprinklers, bottles of water, snacks, ice water for dipping our bandana scarves, and A LOT OF SIGNS AND PINK!! Everyone from the crew & volunteers to the supporters were amazing. The weather was HOT & HUMID which made for an exhausting first day. I made it through 20.5 miles the first day, but the heat apparently got the best of me. My heart was all 'aflutter' ... literally. I made it back to camp and saw the medics to find my heartrate & BP were way too high. For me it meant a discouraging detour to the local emergency room. 3 IV bags & a potassium cocktail later and I was heading home (or at least back to my sister's air conditioned house) for the night. The doctors said my electrolytes were good and I wasn't dehydrated, but the heat had temporarily stressed my heart. I felt pretty defeated when the doctor said I couldn't walk on Saturday. I felt like a hormonal failure who was letting my donors down. Everyone reminded me that the $5000 in donations I had raised were just that ... 'donations to breast cancer research' - they were NOT 'per mile pledges'. Of course try telling that to someone who is about to watch her teammates walk through the Plymouth cheering station on Saturday. The doctors tried to remind me of the 500+ training miles I had already walked during the past several months. I assured them that I would agree with them (later ... after I got home).
Saturday (Day Two) I went (like a good little soldier) to the cheering station and cheered my teammates on with their families. It was difficult to do, but the most sensible thing nonetheless. By Saturday evening I arrived back at the 3day camp and was finally cleared by the medics to walk again on Sunday if I promised to watch for the warning signs and take it easy in the heat. I had dinner at camp with my teammates and enjoyed a mini concert from Candy Coburn (who sings the 3day theme song 'She's A Pink Warrior'.) It was an enjoyable evening, then back to my sister's air conditioned house for the night.
Sunday (Day Three) I was feeling much stronger and was able to walk 14 of the 16.6 miles en route to the closing ceremonies. We walked through Livonia, Redford, Hines Park, Dearborn Heights and Dearborn. Overall it was a great day! By Day 3 I discovered that while many were fortunate enough to walk all 60 miles many others (for various reasons) were not able to do the whole thing ... which let me know that I was no longer a failure. We can train correctly for months, hydrate-hydrate-hydrate, eat our prescribed salty snacks, slather on our SPF50 sunscreen ... basically do everything that we can control. But there will still be those things like the hot weather or rainstorms that we simply cannot control. Gosh I hate the fact that I'm not the Wonder Woman that I like to think I am.
The closing ceremonies were at the Ford World Headquarters in Dearborn. There was a great turnout from family and friends. I was on stage with my 'In Honor Flag' while Candy Coburn sang the 'Pink Warrior' theme song. It was a wonderful ending to an overall great weekend. The Michigan event alone raised $5.4 million dollars for breast cancer research and community awareness programs. Well done everyone!
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Day 221
Well it's almost here ... the Michigan 3Day journey is now just 3 days away. 221 days ago when I started this blog it seemed so far away and now it's really just around the corner. Last night I started my preliminary packing and found that to be a little bit overwhelming. I'm notorious for being an 'over packer' and think that as I was trying to follow all of my checklists for what to pack, how much to pack, how to pack it, etc. I found myself feeling anxious. Finally I decided to call it quits for the night and turned on some 'mindless' TV. Lucky for me 'Dating in the Dark' was on and I found that to be just what I needed. Watching 6 young people having first time meetings in total darkness (so as not to judge each other on their appearances), then progress was interesting - but enough of a distraction to help get me past my first round of packing dilemmas. Tonight I will start fresh and dig in again.
Tonight I will also do my last training walk before the weekend. 4-5 miles. If the weatherman is right (well he has a 50-50 chance) after work it should still be muggy and in the mid 80s, so I brought my walking clothes with me to work. My logical husband suggested a cooler walk in the mall. And who said he wasn't smart? Certainly not me.
Thursday I will head out for the rehearsal for the Opening Ceremonies (since I'll be carrying a banner), then have a nice dinner with my sister, before the rest of our team shows up at my sister's house for a pre-3Day slumber party. We're fortunate that my sister (also on the team) lives about 15 minutes from the opening ceremonies. We figured that made more sense than the other 3 of us driving the hour+ ride in on Friday morning (especially when we need to arrive by 5:30am!).
Once again, I want to thank everyone for your support during this journey. I've had tremendous support with my fundraising, my training, and motivating me when I needed it most. I couldn't have done any of this without all of you. At this point all I can ask for is your prayers for good health for all of the 2500 participants (walkers & crew members), NO rain, not TOO HOT of temperatures, and perhaps some cooler nights for sleeping in our little itty bitty pink tents.
If any of you are in the area Friday, Saturday or Sunday we'd love to see you on the route, at a cheering station or at the closing ceremonies. Just go to and click on 'event information'. It gives you times, locations, directions, parking suggestions, basically all you need to come by and show your support.
Monday, August 2, 2010
Day 213
I can't believe the 3Day walk will be here next week ... only 11 more days. On one hand I'm nervous and a bit anxious (Have I trained enough? Can I handle the heat? Am I really strong enough to tackle this 60 mile journey?). On the other hand I'm excited and a bit anxious (hmmm ... anxious again?). I can't wait to finally experience the walk, meet the other walkers, see first-hand the exhiliaration of a cheering station, and be a flag bearer for the opening and closing ceremonies.
I did my 18 mile training walk on the weekend and got through it pretty well this time. No 'new' aches or pains or blisters. Of course the weather helped. It was in the mid 70s (maybe 80) and the sun rarely showed its face. Made for a welcome change to the routine training walks I've been doing. Now I just read on the 3Day message boards that the expected weather for the Michigan 3Day is 90 degrees, humid and sunny. Wow ... when it rains it pours (figuritively speaking, of course). The good news is Michigan weather tends to change at least every other day, if not daily. So it'll be whatever it'll be. Time will tell. But saying an extra prayer or two for no rain and no heat exhaustion certainly wouldn't hurt.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Day 207
A lot has happened in a week since my last blog entry. I took a small training break and let my knee and heels heal (no pun intended). My feet are feeling much better this week. So my training is on track.
My fundraising hit a huge milestone this week. I went over $5,000. Thank you to everyone who has supported me (in so many ways).
I also received some great news this week. I was invited to carry one of the 'inspiration flags' for both the opening and closing ceremonies at the 3Day event. There will be close to 50 flags all with messages of 'hope', 'dreams', 'events' and several 'honor flags'. Walking in honor of a 'mother', 'sister', 'friend', 'aunt', 'neighbor', etc. I will be carrying the flag marked 'myself'. I feel very honored to carry a flag that indicates that I am survivor. If you are at either of the ceremonies watch for me.
The 3Day event is now less that 3 weeks away. I've been prepping my packing list, washing & wearing my walking clothes and socks, etc. We have our new team hats ready to go. At this point there's just lots and lots of details and excitement.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Day 200
It's been more than a week since my last post and I apologize. What can I say? It's been busy, it's been tiring, it's been eventful ... basically just more of the same.
This past weekend was the 2nd of our 2 long back-to-back weekend training walks. Last weekend was 18 & 15. I managed the 18 on Friday without too much difficulty, but settled for 12 (of the 15) on Saturday.
I am still nursing the blisters on my heals (mostly my right foot). I was so proud of my training so far and the fact that I was blister-free ... I'm hoping I didn't jinx myself. Until 3 weeks ago I was doing awesome, then I tried breaking in a new pair of shoes for the walk. The salesman insisted I needed a 1/2 size larger and I figured he was the expert, so I listened to him. Obviously it didn't turn out so well. After about 10-12 miles (I never wore them for more than 6 miles a day) I discovered that they were slipping just enough around my heals that I was getting friction. I tried tieing the shoes differently, etc. but the damage was already done. I returned the shoes and went back to another pair that was a 1/2 size smaller and they seem to be working. My problem now seems to be that I keep re-inflaming the existing blisters each week when I walk. In a perfect world I would take a few weeks to let them properly heal, but my world isn't perfect.
I need to find a way to protect them the best I can while still walking & training. I'm using vaseline, moleskin, good socks, good shoes. I just need help finding the right combination I guess.
The walk is now only 4 weeks away. I'm hoping that we will catch a break with the heat. We should be accustomed to walking in the heat by now that we'll be used to it, but it would still be kind of nice to not be so hot & humid for the 3 days. Although it will be August and it's still Michigan (which can be unpredictable), so we kind of already have 2 strikes against us.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Day 189
Sorry, it's been over a week since my last post. It was a busy and crazy week - that's for sure. Last weekend I walked my 17 miles & 12 miles back to back on Friday & Saturday. I fared pretty good on the 17. I mapped out 4.25 miles in my subdivision and walked it 4 times with 10 minute breaks at home in between. It was a pretty good pace. At the end of the day my feet were tired and my heals had a couple of borderline blisters. I was attempting to break in my new shoes that I'd purchased at the Preview Expo. I was being smart and only wore them for the 1st half of the walk, then changed into my back up pair. On Saturday I walked the first 6 miles in the new ones, then changed socks and shoes for the 2nd 6. I made it about 3 miles and discovered that not only were both heels killing me but my right knee was really starting to hurt. I was having shooting pains up and down my leg with each step. I sent the rest of our walking group on without me and took a break at the 1/2 way point. Unfortunately it was 3 miles back to my car. I made it back but with a lot of limping and at a record-slow pace. By the time I got home I was limping badly and my heels looked horrible. Ouch, not a good experience (physically or mentally)!
I decided the new shoes (which the salesman had insisted I buy a 1/2 size larger than my other pair) were too big and causing too much sliding around my heal. Needless to say I took the week off of walking to give my feet and knee a chance to heal up & I exchanged my shoes last night. I walked 3 miles in the new ones tonight. They're a bit stiff yet, but we'll keep our fingers crossed that I can break them in. This weekend I'm supposed to walk 10 & 6. I'm gonna shoot for 6 tomorrow and then maybe do another 4 later in the afternoon - maybe break it up in shifts. Next weekend is a big 18 & 15. I need to pace myself this week, but build back up to it at the same time. Let's hope for a better week.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Day 181
I got my 2nd pair of New Balance shoes at the 3Day Preview Expo and gave them a try last night for a 5 mile walk. They seemed cushy, but stiff, but overall I did ok. My right heel has already calloused but seems like it can't decide if it wants to get a blister or not. I'll have what looks like 1 or 2 small white blisters on my heel after walking, but by the end of the night they've disappeared. Maybe the callous is just defining itself. Not sure. I haven't tried the moleskin yet, because I've heard that once it's on it'll take a few days for it to wear itself off. I may just try covering the area with a bandaid for Thursday's 6 mile walk. This weekend is the big 17-13 back-to-back walks. Once I complete those my confidence level should be good.
I really need to give myself more credit. People a lot older than me have walked in the event, as well as people a lot less healthy than me. If they can all do it, I'm sure I can too.
I really need to give myself more credit. People a lot older than me have walked in the event, as well as people a lot less healthy than me. If they can all do it, I'm sure I can too.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Day 176
It's day 176, can you believe it? 176 days since I started this blog and writing about this 3Day journey that I signed myself up for. I'm less than $200 from my fundraising goal of $5,000 - still hoping to make it. My training is going well enough.
Last weekend I took my daughter to the 3Day Preview Expo. I'm not sure what I was expecting, but it seemed smaller than I'd imagined. Don't get me wrong, it was all good information about packing, blister prevention, hydration, fundraising and what to expect on the 3Day adventure. I was also able to buy my 2nd pair of New Balance shoes at $30 less than what I paid for my first pair. That alone was a major perk for going.
My walking is going well. Bought some new socks today to try. I desperately need a sock that has wicking, but also has some CUSHION. Let's cross our fingers that these work. The 'shoe guy' at Dick's Sporting Goods swears by them. Today I walked 6.2 miles this morning by myself. If there's one part of training I'm majorly not fond of it would be walking by myself. Walking and talking definately makes the walks go by faster. Tomorrow morning I'm walking 8 miles with Laura. Next weekend is a big back-to-back walk (17-13, I think). I'd love to have good socks for that one. Not 'if', but 'when' I finish the walks next weekend, my confidence level will get a huge boost.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Day 169
It's a beautiful day outside. Clear blue skies & temps in the low 80s (I think). I will walk 5 miles tonight after work and am shooting for 14 miles tomorrow morning.
Saturday I will walk (unofficially) at the 3 Day Preview Expo event in Pontiac. I'll be meeting my sister there and bringing my daughter along as well. Am hoping to expose my daughter (who's almost 15 yrs. old) to the 3Day excitement. I'm sure she'll laugh when she sees the 2-person pink tents ... who knows? I may laugh when I see it too!
Monday, June 14, 2010
Day 166
Today is Monday and the start to a new week ... hopefully one that is productive! Surprisingly my training wasn't bad last week. I needed to walk something like 32 miles and managed to come in around 30 miles. I walked 12 miles on Friday but was unable to walk 10 on Saturday due to my niece's wedding festivities. Good thing I walked extra on the other days. It all added up in the end, but I'm still trying to get things coordinated so I can get in a couple of long back-to-back walks. I walked 5 on Thursday and 12 on Saturday, but that's not exactly where I want to be.
This weekend I'm hoping to walk 14 or so on Friday, but Saturday I'll be attending the 3Day Preview Expo. I'm sure I'll get lots of walking in there and I even promise to park REALLY REALLY far out in the parking lot!
Hopefully the following weekend my schedule eases up and I can get a few weeks in of walking long ones on Fridays and Saturdays.
I am looking forward to attending the Preview Expo though. It'll do me good to take some photos for the team members who aren't able to attend, and see for myself just how small a 2-person pink tent is.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Day 161
The past week was one with training challenges. I went out of town for a few days and was unable to walk my longer training walks on the weekend. I did wear my pedometer to keep track of my walking at the airports and while out sightseeing in downtown Boston. I was also able to walk 2-3 miles on the treadmill in the mornings at the hotel fitness center. While I realize that 'something' is better than 'nothing', I can't help feeling like I underachieved in my training for the week.
This week will be better but still not where I want it to be. Due to summer cutbacks with my job, beginning this week I will have the next 12 Fridays off. I plan to make the best of it and walk my longer walks on Fridays and my secondary longer walks on Saturday so that I will begin having my back-to-back longer walks. Unfortunately while I will walk at least 12 miles this Friday, I will not be walking on Saturday due to a family wedding.
My back-to-back training schedule will have to wait yet another week. Hopefully by the end of June things will slow down. At least I should have 5-6 weeks where I can walk the longer back-to-back walks before the 3Day event ... I just hope that it'll be good enough. I am still walking on Tuesday and Thursday nights, so that part of the program hasn't lacked.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Day 153
It was a busy Memorial Day weekend, one that was filled mostly with sunshine and blue skies. Last week was my best training week yet, just over 32 miles in walking
(12 miles on Saturday morning). I have yet to walk back-to-back days which concerns me a bit, but beginning next week I will have Fridays off which I am hoping will make the walking schedule more doable.
If I learned one thing on my first 12 mile walk it was the importance of sunscreen. I think because I left my house at 7:30am & starting walking at 8:00am I wasn't thinking about the sun getting hot. But we didn't finish our walk until about 11:30am and needless to say 'OUCH'. I was careful to add lots of sunscreen (too little, too late perhaps) and a short sleeved shirt that covered the worst of it once I got home. Unfortunately my husband and I had a lot of outdoor yard projects planned for the weekend that still needed to get done. 52 bags of mulch & a patio of flowers later and it's all done.
Thank you Lord for Aloe Vera!!!
Friday, May 28, 2010
Day 149
It's the start of a beautiful Memorial Day weekend and the weather looks great. My 3Day training is on schedule. I walked 5.5 miles last night after work. It was a bit warm (ok ... HOT), but thank goodness for the Macomb Orchard Trail and the occasional shady spots.
Tomorrow I'll meet up with some other walkers and do 12 miles at Stony Creek in the morning(2 laps around). I'm dreading the bit of hilly surfaces, but also looking forward to the challenge. 99% of my routes on been on sidewalks and trails ... all flat. Time for a new challenge.
After the walk my weekend TO DO list will begin. Putting down mulch, mulch and more mulch at home. Planting some flower pots ... basically gearing up for summer. Bring it on. Hopefully after the next 3 days, I'll acquire a little bit of color and my legs won't look quite so pale in my walking shorts.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Day 147
The weather this week has been a bit hot. Michigan always seems to be one extreme or the other. Hard to believe that just 3 1/2 weeks ago I did a 10 mile walk on a Saturday morning when it was 37 degrees, drizzling and had 35 mph winds. Last night's 4-mile walk after work was 86 degrees. I must tell you though, it sure was a nice breeze when the bicycling group of 20+ bikes went by us on the path all at once! It's important to look for those little positives.
The first 1/2 of last night's walk felt a bit challenging with the heat. Even though I stretched beforehand, my muscles just didn't feel loose enough. Fortunately the 2nd half of the walk I felt better. Maybe I didn't drink enough fluids during the day. I don't know ... alot of this is still a major learning process for me. I'm also working on buying some proper shirts with 'wicking'.
As they say 'proper training is everything'. In my case, it definately is.
Friday, May 21, 2010
Day 142
Wow ... it's been 142 days since I started this blog to document my 3Day journey and now we're less than 90 days til the actual event itself.
My fundraising is going wonderfully, so much better than I could have ever anticipated. I am still completely amazed as to how the cause touches so many lives.
My training is on target as well. I've been consistent with my walks and am meeting so many new people in the process. It's definately a win-win situation. Don't get me wrong ... the idea that I'll be walking 60 miles in just 3 days still intimidates the 'you know what' out of me, but I'm getting stronger every day which only increases my confidence. (Thank goodness for that.)
My best approach remains 'taking it one step at a time'.
Monday, May 17, 2010
Day 138
It's Monday and the start of a new week. Met my walking goal for last week which was good. But this is a new week. I've been taking the occasional Friday off in order to get a couple of longer walks in. When possible I prefer to take care of my longer walks on Friday & Saturday so that I can have my Sunday off. Beginning in mid-June I will have every Friday off of work for 12 weeks (cutbacks ... Ugh). I'm going to make the best of my time off and get those longer back-to-back 3Day training walks in. I'm still not sure exactly how other 3Day walkers handle it. Trying to be a wife and a mother, work full time AND meet the training schedule has been a little trying at times to say the least. Maybe we should have made our team name 'Wonder Women' ... I figure I need to be Wonder Woman to get it all done without something suffering for it (like my family). Although this past weekend I DID make it to the grocery store (finally) and I baked cupcakes. I think I may be back in their good graces, at least for a little while. Good thing Kroger had Betty Crocker on sale this week. I'M STOCKED!!
Friday, May 14, 2010
Day 135
It's a BEAUTIFUL day today. Got a 10.6 mile walk in this morning since I took the day off. Hope to walk at least another 6 tomorrow. My shins held up pretty good today, nothing that stretches didn't work out for me. The weather was perfect (low 60s, sunshine & blue sky) - gotta love it, especially after the all the rain we've had this week. A little anxious to see how I'll hold up once the heat of the summer comes. I suppose the trick will be wearing the right clothing and staying hydrated.
I'm a work in progress and trying to listen to all the helpful hints I'm getting and then just going through the process of seeing what works for me. But so far, no blisters! I feel VERY lucky.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Day 130
So I did it. I survived my first 'longer' 3-Day training walk. I admit I was more than a little nervous. Saturday I walked with a few other fellow 3-Day walkers and walked 10.5 miles ... my longest single one yet. Just to make things interesting it was 47 degrees, drizzling, and had occasional wind gusts of up 35+ mph. A friend told me later that we should have gotten credit for at least an additional 2 miles since we were fighting the elements most of the time. But the good news is 'I did it'. No blisters and no leg cramps. Overall, a good experience. I'm anxious to get a few more under my belt. I figure that every longer walk I accomplish my confidence level should increase by at least a notch or two. The real test will be when I can get in the longer walks back to back. Weather permitting I'm hoping to do that this coming weekend.
A big thanks to Chris, my training walk leader, for setting these walks up. I'm not sure that I'd have the motivation or discipline to do them on my own. The bonus is that I'm meeting so many new people. It's been both fun and exciting to hear all of the stories about why each person has taken on this challenge.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Day 126
Good morning everyone. I feel optimistic that this week my 3Day training is starting to get back on track ... but ask me on Sunday after my first 10 mile training walk. I was able to take a 3.6 mile walk last night with Chris (my training walk leader). Once again the weather was beautiful. Not sure how I keep getting so lucky, but you know the old saying about 'don't look a gift horse in the mouth'. Thursday night I'll meet up with Chris and a few others to to a 5 mile walk. The in between days are just 2's & 3's to stay loose. Wow, I actually sound like I know what I'm talking about (lol).
Donations are still trickling in a little at a time. I got a nice one yesterday that I needed to mail in. I continue to be completely amazed at the generosity and support that people have shown toward myself and the breast cancer cause.
Donations are still trickling in a little at a time. I got a nice one yesterday that I needed to mail in. I continue to be completely amazed at the generosity and support that people have shown toward myself and the breast cancer cause.
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Day 123
Overall it was a productive week. Got the last of my auction item donations mailed in to the 3Day to be processed and posted. Now I need to send some thank you letters out to my bakers and auction item donors. The event was good, but a lot of work.
The good news is that I was able to clock in 20.5 miles this past week in walking. I took a vacation day last Friday and was able to meet 2 other women (one of them a fellow 3-Day walker and survivor) for an early morning walk. Got 6.5 miles in for the morning and another 2.5 in the afternoon and evening. Come the middle of June I will have Fridays off of work and will finally be able to get back to back days of longer walks in. Right now it's been difficult to accomplish that with my daughter's school events, work schedules and family obligations. I'm hoping that if I get the mileage in during the week in increments whenever I can now, that if I can finally do longer back to back days every week for the 8 weeks prior to the event that my body will be accustomed enough to the length of the walks. I keep telling myself I need to do more than I am, but at the same time I'm doing the best that I can while still keeping up with regular reponsibilities.
I'll just continue to take it one step at a time.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Day 116
I'm so sorry that it's been nearly 2 weeks since my last posting. I can say that it's been very busy and very hectic, but also a very productive two weeks. As you know our 3-Day team has been gearing up for our 1st team fundraiser (our Silent Auction / Bake Sale). The event was yesterday and for all basic purposes went great. We advertized, we prepped, we got the word out, we got some awesome auction donations (67 of them to be exact)and more baked goods than I could even count. We really had no idea what to expect. The turnout was lighter than we had hoped for, but it was dreary and drizzled out all day. I don't know if that played a factor or not. Overall, though, I was impressed with the final outcome. As a team more than $2600 was raised for the Susan G. Komen 3-Day for the Cure. People were very supportive not only of the event and the walkers, but also for the cause itself (which to me is the most important).
I want to thank each of my teammates and their families. Every one there worked very hard and displayed nothing but genuine 'niceness' (if that's the right way to say it). So thank you to my teammates: Cindy, Stefanie and Kristen. Thank you to Cindy's family, Kimmy & her friend, Emily. Thank you to my family, Steve & Emily. Thank you to Kristen's family, John & Natalie. Thank you to Stefanie's family, Kraig, Alyssa, Jacob & Pam. And thanks to our friends Nancy & Michelle. None of this would have been so successful without everyone's dedication to the cause.
For me now it's time to get serious about my training. No more excuses about event preparations.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Day 103
Well, it's now been more than 100 days since I started this journey. My, how time flies. It's been a busy and productive week. Even though our 3Day team is busy prepping for our Silent Auction / Bake Sale fundraising event in 2 weeks, this past week was my best week in training so far. I joined up with some new local women who are also registered 3Day walkers and did a few training walks. On Tuesday of last week I joined 4 other women and walked 3.3 miles on the Macomb Orchard Trail. We'd had some weird weather earlier that day, but by the time we walked after work it was actually a very nice night. On Thursday the Training Walk Leader (from Tuesday) and I chose to walk indoors at the local mall (because the temps had dropped in to the
30s and was really windy). We were able to walk 5.25 miles in 1 hr. 20 min. which was really good. On Saturday morning I joined up with another woman I hadn't met face-to-face yet (Laurie) and we were able to walk another 5 miles. Laurie is an 8-year survivor so we had lots to talk about and compare. Overall, last week I walked 21.25 miles which was my best mileage yet.
Today is Sunday (my day of rest) and it marks the beginning of a new week for me. Monday I'll hit the gym (I haven't been there in 2 weeks due to the Easter holiday), then Tuesday I'm meeting the other women for another training walk on the trail. I'm so excited to have people to walk with now that the weather is getting nicer and it's daylight out longer. It not only makes the miles go by faster, but I'm getting to meet so many nice people. It's definately a win-win situation.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Day 98
Sorry I got a bit behind last week. I realized this morning that it had been a week since I'd posted to my blog. Last week was Holy Week and a busy week for me since I'm an Administrator at a church. Good Friday ... Easter ... egg hunt ... Easter lily delivery ... you get the idea.
On the weekend we drove to Indiana to visit our son for Easter. It was wonderful to get away for a couple of days. Everything there was green and blooming, leaving me very hopeful that Michigan would not be too far behind. Although my 'white' legs left a little something to be desired in my shorts, but that's ok. Everyone else looked the same. :0)
It was a bit difficult to get my walking in over the weekend since I spent a total of 14+ hours in the van. I was only able to get 2 miles in on Saturday and 2.5 on Sunday. However I have signed up for 2 outdoor training walks this week (today & Thursday). 3 miles & 5 miles respectively. I've grown tired of walking laps in the mall and am looking forward to walking with some fellow 3-Day walkers. Walking with others always makes the time go by so much faster. I'm optimistic that this group of women will be a good match ... the location of their walks is convenient and so are the times. I get off work at 5:00 and can get there for 5:30.
I also picked up my proceeds check on the weekend for my recent Buffalo Wild Wings fundraiser ... $184.53. I think it was a good response. So, as they say, the 'check is in the mail' and just awaiting posting from the 3Day staff.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Day 89
Today is Sunday (actually Palm Sunday). Had a nice morning at church followed by a celebration birthday lunch with some good friends. I had a really nice time. Ironic that they gave me a summer Vera Bradley purse. Here I am training for the 3Day event and I got a new purse. Getting a purse isn't odd, but the ironic part is that Vera Bradley (the designer) puts a lot of her profits into breast cancer research. Very admirable in my opinion. We're all doing what we can for the cause with the tools we have. Doesn't matter how big or how small ... it's about being productive and making a difference.
We had our first 3Day team meeting yesterday to review some stuff for our upcoming team fundraiser on April 24th. Mostly everyone seems to be enthusiastic and excited about the event. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a good event with a good turnout. The team spirit is definately there!
We had our first 3Day team meeting yesterday to review some stuff for our upcoming team fundraiser on April 24th. Mostly everyone seems to be enthusiastic and excited about the event. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a good event with a good turnout. The team spirit is definately there!
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Day 84
Today is Tuesday ... still a bit cool, but at least the sun is shining. Makes such a difference. I'm heading over to the mall after work with my daughter in tow do get 3-4 miles in. I promised her if she'd keep me company walking then I'd feed her dinner ... such a deal!
Today I hit a milestone. I've raised over $3,000 for the 3Day for the Cure. Truly unbelievable how much support I've received and how generous people have been. We'll be having our first team meeting this Saturday for our team's Silent Auction/Bake Sale in April. It will be the first time that everyone has met everyone. I figured it was about time. I'm looking forward to it. Mostly everyone's fundraising totals are starting to climb which is awesome. When I comes to fundraising ... I get pumped! I hope it's contagious. :0)
Today I hit a milestone. I've raised over $3,000 for the 3Day for the Cure. Truly unbelievable how much support I've received and how generous people have been. We'll be having our first team meeting this Saturday for our team's Silent Auction/Bake Sale in April. It will be the first time that everyone has met everyone. I figured it was about time. I'm looking forward to it. Mostly everyone's fundraising totals are starting to climb which is awesome. When I comes to fundraising ... I get pumped! I hope it's contagious. :0)
Friday, March 19, 2010
Day 80
TGIF ... Thank Goodness It's Friday and TGFF ... Thank Goodness For Friends. My graphic may seem weird, but does anyone remember the 'Happy Baby Dance' on the TV show 'Ally McBeal'? Made me smile everytime I saw it.
We've had such beautiful weather all this week, I just can't wait for it to stick around. I heard a nasty rumor that it was going to get a little icky this weekend into next week. Funny how a week ago it was 45 degrees and that was nice, but now we've been spoiled and consider it a setback. Go figure.
Last weekend's 3Day fundraiser at Buffalo Wild Wings was a success, at least as far as I'm concerned. The event raised more than $225, but not only that it was an opportunity for fellowship and increasing awareness. I had several people attend, many of whom who had never been to that restaurant before(so that was a perk of publicity for the restaurant). I had 2 teammates and their families attend. I had friends and family attend. And I had total strangers (to me) attend because word of the event had been passed on in one way or another. I also got to meet my daughter's 9th grade honors English teacher; funny how my daughter wasn't quite as thrilled as I was (but then everything is awkward when you're 14 ... lol). I was also honored to have 2 other 3Day walkers attend because they'd seen the information on the 3Day website. How awesome is that?
I hope to get some good walking in tomorrow. At least 6 miles. My schedule has been a little crazy the last 2 weeks, but I am a church administrator and it is the lenten season ... so I guess that kind of explains it.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Day 76
I'm loving the blue sky and sunshine outside my office window. While it was only 32 degrees out when I left the house this morning, I skipped the coat and wore a thick sweater instead. I'm optimistic for the rest of the day.
My 3Day fundraiser at Buffalo Wild Wings on Sunday seemed to go well. Thank you to everyone who came out to show their support. I did discover that doing a 50/50 raffle was difficult given the circumstances. I couldn't go to the customers at their tables to see if they wanted to purchase a 50/50 ticket. I was only allowed to have a sign at my table and they had to come to me. Knowing what I know now I think I would have been better off getting 3 prizes donated for a raffle instead. I would have had the visual of the prizes to draw attention to it. Lesson learned. I won't know the actuall $$ results of the day's activities until a little later in the week.
Now it's on to planning auction items for the team's event on April 24th. It's been a very tiring couple of weeks. Between work, additional functions at church and Emily's school, family obligations and a time change thrown in for good measure ... I'm feeling pretty tired. However I did enjoy the fact that last night the sun was still out when I got home from work. I was able to walk my 3 miles outside before dinner which was nice - however having an 8:00pm dinner wasn't a real good idea. I think that said, my schedule just needs a little bit of tweeking.
Friday, March 12, 2010
Day 72
This week has gone so much better for me than last week. My fundraising donations are still trickling as a result of emails and letters. Plus I have my Buffalo Wild Wings Fundraiser on Sunday. I'm anxious to see what kind of response I get. Once this one is done I'll need to focus on getting my donations for the team silent auction / bake sale next month.
My training feels like it's back on schedule this week as well which makes me feel good. I'll be honest though the next couple of weeks of training look a bit overwhleming to me. My long days of walking for now are on Fridays and Saturdays. But I still work til 4:00 on Fridays, then my daughter has music lessons til 6:00. getting 8-10 miles in on Fridays is going to be difficult. Starting in June I will have Fridays off during the summer months which will help a lot. Until June I may have to work with Saturdays & Sundays and improvise when I have to. I'll get the total mileage in somehow, it may just not be in 2 back-to-back days like I'd like. That part may have to wait til June.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Day 70
I can't believe that today is the 70th day of my journey and this blog. I am feeling better this week after being under the weather for most of last week. I walked 4.5 miles on Monday and 3.0 miles this morning before work. Yesterday (Tuesday) would have been one of my 'cross-training' days. I planned to go the gym after work, but postponed that until tomorrow. Instead I went with 3 other people I work with and we did a 2 hour 'team building' service project. We went to a local outreach center and bagged 200+ bags of food for them. We laughed that it got brighter in the room the more we packed. Could be because when we started we were working at a table that was surrounded by pallets of boxed food (over 8' high). The more we worked the lower the boxes went and more light came in around us. Kind of symbolic that our hearts got lighter at the same time. It was just another example of how it's so easy to forget that there are others out there who are struggling (often through no fault of their own). It's good to stop and think about other people and stop and take a good look at ourselves. We all need to stop and ask ourselves 'What can I do to help? What can I do to make a difference?'
I think that all related back to the 3Day experience for me. I'm a survivor. I'm fortunate. I'm blessed with wonderful friends. I'm in a position to create awareness and hopefully make a difference. Through my fundraising and training if even 'one' person gets a mammogram or is encouraged to ask their doctor questions, it will have all been worth it.
My pastor said something interesting in his sermon last Sunday (which coincidently was on 'service'). He said that while we often might wonder 'What can I possibly do to help someone else?' that God only gives us gifts and talents that will someday reach out and touch someone else. We may not always know the time or the place that it'll happen, but we should never give up. It may be the person we weren't even looking for that needs our help the most. Just something to think about.
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Day 65
Blue sky and sunshine ... you gotta love it. This week had its highs and lows. On a high point I got 2 more donations. On a low point, I was feeling under the weather for a couple of days, so I'm behind on my walking this week. I realize the 3Day 24-week training schedule is just a guideline, but I always take everything so literally. As I was vegging 2 nights in a row in my pjs I was beating myself up (mentally) about getting behind. But my body just laid there and told my mind 'too bad'. It's not a good sign when you start talking to yourself, lol.
Today is a new day and the sun is out. A bit chilly still but hope to layer up and walk a few miles outdoors this afternoon. That should get me back in the swing of things. Think while I'm out walking I'll hand deliver a few flyers to the neighbors for next weekend's Buffalo Wild Wings fundraiser.
Today is a new day and the sun is out. A bit chilly still but hope to layer up and walk a few miles outdoors this afternoon. That should get me back in the swing of things. Think while I'm out walking I'll hand deliver a few flyers to the neighbors for next weekend's Buffalo Wild Wings fundraiser.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Day 61
It's been a few days since I blogged. I'm really not sure where the time goes and especially in such a hurry. I've had a couple of days this week of feeling under the weather, but still got a 3-mile outdoor walk in yesterday. The sun was out and it wasn't too chilly. I thought the fresh air might do me some good. I'm pretty sure though that I wouldn't have won any races. But that's o.k.
My fundraising is right on target. I have been sending some emails with flyers out for my Buffalo Wild Wing event on March 14th. I haven't started on the auction too much. Figure I'll get one event out of the way before I start on the next. There's always so much to do. Someone told me once that fundraising and training for the 3Day is almost like having a 2nd job. I'm beginning to think it's a pretty good description. That and the fact that I am an Administrator at a church and right now we are in the midst of Lent makes for some pretty busy days.
I just need to stay focused ... one step and one obstacle at a time. It'll all get done, it always done.
My fundraising is right on target. I have been sending some emails with flyers out for my Buffalo Wild Wing event on March 14th. I haven't started on the auction too much. Figure I'll get one event out of the way before I start on the next. There's always so much to do. Someone told me once that fundraising and training for the 3Day is almost like having a 2nd job. I'm beginning to think it's a pretty good description. That and the fact that I am an Administrator at a church and right now we are in the midst of Lent makes for some pretty busy days.
I just need to stay focused ... one step and one obstacle at a time. It'll all get done, it always done.
Friday, February 26, 2010
Day 57
It's been a very snowy week, also nearing the end of my 2nd official week of 3Day training. The training has been a bit challenging to fit in around a full time work schedule. I can't walk outside yet ... it's dark in the morning and in the evening. I've been relying on my walking dvds & the gym during the week and hitting the mall on the weekend. It's getting done somehow, but did I mention that I'm REALLY looking forward to the springtime ... warmer temperatures and longer amounts of daylight? I'm sure I did.
Fundraising has been going really well. I've almost reached my minimum required goal which means I'll be able to walk in the event. But I've upped my goal and probably will again before it's all over. I've got a personal fundraising event coming up on March 14th at a local Buffalo Wild Wings and then we have a team event (silent auction & bake sale) scheduled for April. My hope is that any of my fundraising event donations (that are cash or check) I will be able to put aside til the event gets closer then apply them to any other teammate who made need a push to hit their goal. I'm extremely fortunate to have had the response that I've had. I'm not exactly sure why people have been so generous unless it's because I am SO passionate about the cause because of my own personal cancer experience that perhaps they sense that. I am truly thankful for everyone's support, but like I told my husband last night ... 'It is about the money because every donation could bring us one step closer to a cure, but also about the fact that EVERY person that make a donation (no matter how big or how little) ... well it means that I've extended the awareness'. If EVERY person who makes a donation, comes to an event, or goes on a walk with me gets a mammogram or makes sure that they talk about breast cancer with their wife, their mother, thier sister or their daughter ... just think of the possibilities.
I survived cancer because I detected it early and then I had choices. I had stage II cancer AND it had already traveled to my lymph nodes. If I had ignored the symptoms til later, my Stage II could have easily become Stage IV because my cancer grew very quickly. If that had happened you might not be reading this blog.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Day 53
Today is definately a SNOW DAY. I made it in to work this morning without too many problems ... slow & steady wins the race. Tonight I will have to do my 3 miles at home using my walking dvd but that's ok.
It was a good weekend for fundraising. Got a few more donations in. People have been very generous. I decided that I would change my fundraising goal from $2500 to $3000. I've had an excellent response so far to the emails and letters. I figure since I have my Buffalo Wild Wings fundraiser day set for March 14th and the team fundraiser (silent auction, bake sale) set for April 24th that increasing the goal is doable. I did receive my Buffalo Wild Wing flyer email today so I hope to start emailing that out this week some time. I will try to hold my cash donations (from the BWW 50/50 raffle & my pop cans) aside and hold on to them in case any of my teammates need it to get them to their goals. It's all about the cause and not an individual contest (although I won't say that I don't have a competitive streak in me).
All in all, things are moving along smoothly so far - which is a good thing.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Day 52
Yesterday we had blue sky and sunshine and I was able to take my walk outside for the first time this year. I'm now starting the 2nd week of my actual 3-Day training program. The first week went good. Sundays are my scheduled day of rest, which is great. I went to church this morning with my family, was given a donation after service, and am now home getting things caught up. I've got my favorite flannel shirt on and my new pink fuzzy slippers. Feeling pretty good right now about everything (the fundraising, the training, and the excitement of everyone on our 3-Day team)... guess this is why they give you one day of rest a week. It's good to recharge.
Friday, February 19, 2010
Day 50
I found this week's training to go pretty well ... of course, this is the easiest week of the 24-week schedule. I think my biggest problem is going to be trying to get all of the training in, work full time and still keep up with all my regular (wife & mother) responsibilities. And that doesn't even include the fundraising aspect. Fortunately that part is moving along at a good pace. I still have a ways to go, but feel confident that I'll get there.
One of my problems (or strengths, depending if you're a 1/2 empty or 1/2 full kind of person) is that I have what a friend of mine terms 'Gene 126'. That's the extra gene that can either make you REALLY organized or REALLY anal about stuff. If the minimum fundraising goal to walk in the 3-Day walk is $2,300, then I want to start with $2,500 (it's a more well-rounded number) ... and if I'm shooting for $2,500 ... well $3,000 sounds so much better. I'm sure my friend (who shall remain nameless) and I probably aren't the only people out there with this extra 'gene', but who really knows for sure.
On a positive note, I did get up early this morning and walk my 3 miles before coming in to work. I knew I'd be busy tonight and didn't want to feel guilty when I was trying to have a little down time and little fun with friends.
Thanks to everyone for your continued support with fundraising, walking, motivation and prayers. I certainly couldn't be doing any of this without you.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Day 48
According to my 24-week 3-Day training schedule, yesterday was my cross-training day. The first couple of weeks they have it set as 0 minutes (meaning it's another day of rest), but I went to the gym and got in about 40 minutes of strength training. Today I should walk another 3 miles. Since it's Ash Wednesday and I'll be going to church tonight, I think I'll get to do my 3-mile walking dvd in the comfort of my basement.
When you work full time it's difficult to get the walking in during the evening ... I won't go out and walk in the dark (I'm not that much of a diehard ... YET). I will definately be glad when the weather warms up and it stays daylight out a bit later. I can't wait to start getting some fresh air. Until then it'll be the mall, the gym, and my basement. HURRY SPRING ... PLEASE!!!
Monday, February 15, 2010
Day 46
I was able to do my walking at the mall tonight (4 miles). My new shoes seem to be doing ok so far. My daughter has the week off of school so I told her if she'd tag along and be my walking partner for the night I would take her to her favorite store (Forever 21). She had a gift card she'd received for Christmas that apparently was burning a hole in her wallet (lol). Ahhh ... to be 14 again!
I received a donation yesterday at church which was very encouraging. I have 4 donations that I've mailed in now for a total of $145. It seems to be taking a little while to get them processed (but that's normal). But it is a good feeling to look at your 3-Day participant page and know that you've raised more than what is currently reflected on the page. Kind of like having a little bit in reserve.
I ordered 2 3-Day tshirts yesterday. I figured it would be nice to have one to wear in time for my fundraiser event at Buffalo Wild Wings on March 14th. I hope to receive the flyer back from their office this week so I can start putting the word out there for it.
I received a donation yesterday at church which was very encouraging. I have 4 donations that I've mailed in now for a total of $145. It seems to be taking a little while to get them processed (but that's normal). But it is a good feeling to look at your 3-Day participant page and know that you've raised more than what is currently reflected on the page. Kind of like having a little bit in reserve.
I ordered 2 3-Day tshirts yesterday. I figured it would be nice to have one to wear in time for my fundraiser event at Buffalo Wild Wings on March 14th. I hope to receive the flyer back from their office this week so I can start putting the word out there for it.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Day 45
Today is the first 'official' day of my 3 Day 24-week training schedule, although I've been 'pretraining' for about 6 weeks. Last week I attended a 'Getting Started' meeting and discovered that if I follow the mileage of my training schedule I will have walked 544 miles in preparation before the 3Day event. Pretty cool. That doesn't even include the 50+ miles I did in pretraining. I suppose after 24 weeks 60 miles won't look so bad (at least that's what I'm hoping). Of course that'll all be in 3 days, completely different scenario, I know.
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Day 44
Went on a 'get to know you' walk this morning. I walked 4 miles with my sister and one of our 3-Day teammates, Stefanie. It'll be good for everyone on the team to get acquainted. Might be difficult sometimes for all 5 of us to get together at the same time, but every time we can mix it up only helps us all to get to know one another. It's a good time for walking and a good time to bounce ideas off each other.
Although on mornings like today when we walk indoors at the mall there's always that threat of wanting to go back for the kelly green spring trenchcoat that was in the window (lol).
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Day 42
Today was another BUSY day. I'm wrapping UP a big project at work and I had to take my daughter to her high school orientation this evening. I was able to send out a few emails this afternoon for potential silent auction donations for our upcoming team fundraiser in April.
Saturday I plan to walk at the mall with my sister and another teammate, Stafanie (who just joined our team this week). For now I seem to be the common denominator of the team (my sister, a fellow church member, a lady from the community that I haven't actually met yet and another woman I met at the Getting Started meeting). I'm anxious for all of us to get together soon to not only talk about the upcoming team fundraiser event but also for everyone to get to know each other a little.
This is all very exciting ... working on fundraising, beginning my 'official' 3Day training this weekend, and meeting new women who all share a common goal.
Saturday I plan to walk at the mall with my sister and another teammate, Stafanie (who just joined our team this week). For now I seem to be the common denominator of the team (my sister, a fellow church member, a lady from the community that I haven't actually met yet and another woman I met at the Getting Started meeting). I'm anxious for all of us to get together soon to not only talk about the upcoming team fundraiser event but also for everyone to get to know each other a little.
This is all very exciting ... working on fundraising, beginning my 'official' 3Day training this weekend, and meeting new women who all share a common goal.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Day 41
Today was a snow day for many people, including my daughter ... but not for me. Although, having so many people off of the road made my drive to work much easier and a lot less stressful. That was a good thing.
Today I received 2 donations toward my 3-Day goal. I've now raised $1,150 of the required $2,300. That's very encouraging. I'm working on a personal fundraiser at Buffalo Wild Wings for March and as a team we'll be having a silent auction/bake sale in April. I feel confident that everything will come together for all of us. I truly believe that it's our turn to do something positive and help to make a difference.
My official 24-week training will begin this weekend. I've got my shoes, my water bottle, my Ipod charged, and my schedule ... so I guess I'm ready for the next phase to begin.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Day 40
Last night I went to a 3 Day Getting Started meeting. It was awesome. I went to one last year, but it just didn't feel like it was the right time for me. This year the event seems to be 'calling' me. I take that as a sign that it's the right time. The meeting last night was even more inspirational and motivating than when I went to one last year. I met some nice people, got some questions answered, and couldn't wait to move on to the next part.
My donations have been coming through nicely. I am up to a little over $1,000 (not quite half way to my goal). I do have 2 fundraisers in the works and a lot of people who haven't responded to the emails and letters yet, so I'm feeling good about everything, all things considered.
My donations have been coming through nicely. I am up to a little over $1,000 (not quite half way to my goal). I do have 2 fundraisers in the works and a lot of people who haven't responded to the emails and letters yet, so I'm feeling good about everything, all things considered.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Day 37
I took my daughter walking with me at the mall this morning. Apparently it'd been a while since she'd done some 'consistent' walking ... after 2 miles she was like "don't we get to sit down and take a break?" We took a short one and got back at it for another mile and a half. Next weekend I'll walk with my sister and we'll get more mileage in. I still managed about 15 miles this week, which isn't bad considering I had a really long week of late nights and projects.
I did have to return my new tennis shoes, though, last night. I think I got a defective pair. So I went to a running shop and got a new pair. Tried them out this morning. My feet did OK, but my legs were a bit tired.
Other than that, things are progressing along. I'm up to about $920 so far in my fundraising, which is just plain AWESOME!!! And I have 2 fundraisers in the works. I'll let you know once the details are all ironed out, but one will be in March and the second one in April.
I did have to return my new tennis shoes, though, last night. I think I got a defective pair. So I went to a running shop and got a new pair. Tried them out this morning. My feet did OK, but my legs were a bit tired.
Other than that, things are progressing along. I'm up to about $920 so far in my fundraising, which is just plain AWESOME!!! And I have 2 fundraisers in the works. I'll let you know once the details are all ironed out, but one will be in March and the second one in April.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Day 35
Yesterday was a long day at work. Got to work an hour early and then took my daughter to a youth event in the evening. By the time we dropped her friends off I didn't get home til nearly 10pm. I must not be quite as young as I used to be (or at least not as young as I think I am ... in my mind, that is). I did walk 2 miles yesterday (kind of a cumulative walk). I have done some great networking though this week. Through the 3 Day site (share list), I was able to contact 2 women in my area. One is willing to do some training with me, and the one the other is going to join our 3 Day team (and walk together once a week). Changing the routines up and walking with different people on different days I think will go a long way toward keeping the training from getting monotonous.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Day 33
Kind of a slow day yesterday. I worked all day, then made it to the gym for a workout after work. Trying to stay active (10-12 miles a week) until my official training begins the week of February 15th. It will be a challenge once the lengthy Friday workouts kick in. I'm not sure how people who work manage to work (especially those who work full time) and get the training in, but I'll figure out a way. Realistically walking 10-15 miles on a Friday when you work 8 hours could be considered a challenge. Those may well be the days when the walking is done in shifts ... before work, on my lunch hour and after work. Either way it'll get done.
Wouldn't it be great if by the end of my 24 week training period, I've taken off 5-10 pounds? Do you think that's doable? Because I sure don't seem to lose any weight sitting at my computer for 8 hours a day. Would sure make for a nice side benefit!
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Day 31
Today I worked on trying to get organized, that can sometimes be a task in itself. I got 45 letters with donation forms ready for the mail (these will go to my contacts that either don't have computer access or I just don't know their email addresses). They say 'slow & steady' wins the race ... well I'm not in a race but I am progressing along one step at a time. I've decided that my motto is 'I'm two feet closer to making a difference'. Kind of sums things up for me.
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Day 30
Well I'm 30 days in to my journey. Time sure seems to fly by fast. My official training will begin in 2 weeks, but I've been walking and getting ready (& getting organized). My fundraising is in gear and I've been amazed at the response so far. People are VERY generous and supportive. I even had one person who said they weren't able to donate financially but offered to supply a few items if I had an auction or fundraiser. People are just AWESOME! Support comes in many shapes and sizes. Prayers, especially, are HUGE!
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Day 28
Today was a good day. I received a few new donations. I've now reached 23% of my 3 Day fundraising goal. It gives me a boost that if I keep at it, I'll be able to reach my goal and therefore be able to walk in the event. I can't imagine how I'd feel if I couldn't raise enough and couldn't finish what I'd started.
My REAL training will begin in two weeks. I feel like I'm in good enough shape now from my 'pre-training' that I'll be able to get started ... then the walk increases are gradual each week. I don't feel quite as scared and intimidated now, but ask me again in 2 months ... lol.
My REAL training will begin in two weeks. I feel like I'm in good enough shape now from my 'pre-training' that I'll be able to get started ... then the walk increases are gradual each week. I don't feel quite as scared and intimidated now, but ask me again in 2 months ... lol.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Day 27
There wasn't much to report yesterday so I figured I would spare you and wait til this morning. Yesterday was just a usual day ... full day at work ... dinner ... and an evening of running around (last night was a music rehearsal for my daughter's upcoming solo & ensemble performance - it's her first one so she's a bit nervous still). My real training will start in about 2 weeks, so I'm just making sure that between now and then I'm getting my stamina and motivation up to scale - because I know that's when the REAL work will start.
My donations for the 3 Day are coming through a bit at a time. I'm up to $450 which I think is just awesome. Every time a donation comes through it reinforces for me that I've made the right commitment and someone else out there believes in what I'm doing.
My donations for the 3 Day are coming through a bit at a time. I'm up to $450 which I think is just awesome. Every time a donation comes through it reinforces for me that I've made the right commitment and someone else out there believes in what I'm doing.
Monday, January 25, 2010
Day 25
I made it to the gym after work tonight ... did some treadmill & stationary bike ... did a few machines ... and crawled home. Hoping for a good night's sleep tonight. I know it's early yet, but have only had 7 donations for my 3 Day goals off of 100+ emails. I did mention in my fundraising email, though, that I'd prefer to complete my fundraising by May 1st so that I could concentrate solely on training after that. It may be too early for many to think about donating and it's definately too soon to send out reminder followup emails. Hopefully this weekend I will get started on my mailout letters (those contacts that I have that do not have computer access). It's all part of the process and needs to be accomplished methodically and one step at a time.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Day 24
Today is my rest day. Last week I logged in 19.1 miles of walking. It was a lot, yet not even equivalent to one day of the 3 Day. That's why I'm pre-training for my training. I've got a long way to go, but I'm progressing. Thanks for evreyone's support. I couldn't do it without you.
Friday, January 22, 2010
Day 22
Yesterday was another of those long, busy days - but in a good way. I have a friend who thinks they're ready to sign up and join our 3 Day team. That will mean our team of 2 has increased by 50%. Not bad. I've had a few donations start to come in. It's wonderful how supportive people are when they realize the work you plan to put in for the cause. I'm finding that this whole 3 Day undertaking is no small thing. Training and fundraising and creating awareness all take a lot of dedication and commitment ... two things I don't take lightly.
Yesterday I knew I would be busy and not have the time to take a 'real walk' (all at one time), so I decided to wear my pedometer for the day just to see how much walking I would do in the course of a busy day. I surprised myself ... nearly 4 miles. That helped me to feel a lot less lazy or guilty when I actually went to bed for the night.
Yesterday I knew I would be busy and not have the time to take a 'real walk' (all at one time), so I decided to wear my pedometer for the day just to see how much walking I would do in the course of a busy day. I surprised myself ... nearly 4 miles. That helped me to feel a lot less lazy or guilty when I actually went to bed for the night.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Day 20
Busy day today and not enough sleep to go off of. I did manage to do 2 miles of just routine walking, so that still counts for staying active. I also got the go ahead for a location I was hoping for to hold a fundraising event. I'm going to try planning a silent auction/bake sale for mid-April. I figure it's a good way to get the community involved and create more awareness. The next week or so are pretty busy for me, but I'll get going on the planning aspects.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Day 19
Sorry for skipping an entry last night. It was a long, busy day and then my daughter needed the computer for homework. The joy of having only 1 computer in the house. Can't complain ... well I could but it wouldn't do any good (lol).
I did make it to the gym yesterday and managed to accumulate almost 4 miles. My 'official' 3 Day training will begin in mid-February, so until then I'm working on my 'pre-training'. The first week I walked 5 miles, the second week it was 7.5 miles, and last week was 12.5. I figure the next few weeks are a warmup to just get myself used to exercising more regularly, then the real FUN begins! Bring it on, I'm excited. Fortunately the 2nd 1/2 of the training will be in the summertime which means I can walk more outdoors and have some variety.
I did make it to the gym yesterday and managed to accumulate almost 4 miles. My 'official' 3 Day training will begin in mid-February, so until then I'm working on my 'pre-training'. The first week I walked 5 miles, the second week it was 7.5 miles, and last week was 12.5. I figure the next few weeks are a warmup to just get myself used to exercising more regularly, then the real FUN begins! Bring it on, I'm excited. Fortunately the 2nd 1/2 of the training will be in the summertime which means I can walk more outdoors and have some variety.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Day 17
I decided not to wait any longer and started the next phase of my fundraising. I sent out my first batch of fundraising emails. The next phase will be sending letters to my contacts who do not have computer access (I sure don't want them to miss out on all the fun!).
Soliciting donations is always difficult, but sharing with my friends and family about why I want to participate in the 3 Day event and what I plan to get out of it are too important not to share. Spreading awareness about the 3 day event (60 miles in 3 days) is huge. Having people support my efforts and commitment (both financially and with prayer) are huge. Getting the world one step closer to a cure for breast cancer is even huger (is that a word? lol).
Please join me. You can click on the 'donate' link in the 3 Day photo on my blog and donate to this worthy cause. Remember ... if I don't raise a minimum of $2300 - I don't get to walk in the event. I know that sounds harsh, but I'm guessing the foundation wants us all to fully commit to the event. If it'll bring the world closer to a cure, then I don't care if I have to break open my piggy bank or crawl the last mile. I survived cancer afterall, so I guess I can be pretty tough when I need to be.
Soliciting donations is always difficult, but sharing with my friends and family about why I want to participate in the 3 Day event and what I plan to get out of it are too important not to share. Spreading awareness about the 3 day event (60 miles in 3 days) is huge. Having people support my efforts and commitment (both financially and with prayer) are huge. Getting the world one step closer to a cure for breast cancer is even huger (is that a word? lol).
Please join me. You can click on the 'donate' link in the 3 Day photo on my blog and donate to this worthy cause. Remember ... if I don't raise a minimum of $2300 - I don't get to walk in the event. I know that sounds harsh, but I'm guessing the foundation wants us all to fully commit to the event. If it'll bring the world closer to a cure, then I don't care if I have to break open my piggy bank or crawl the last mile. I survived cancer afterall, so I guess I can be pretty tough when I need to be.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Day 16
It's a busy Saturday today. Took my daughter this morning and we both got haircuts, then headed over to bring my mom lunch & a cupcake for her birthday. Now I'm sitting at a computer at the library while my daughter prepares study guides for her midterms this week (she's a 9th grader).
I'm going to try and make some progress on entering my email addresses in to the 3 Day database (for my participant page). I going to get started on phase 1 of my fundraising campaign. Phase 2 will involve prepping for the first outside fundraising event. The nice thing about having an event is not only that it raises more money in a shorter period of time, but more importantly it brings people within your community together and creates awareness. It's a win-win situation.
I'm going to try and make some progress on entering my email addresses in to the 3 Day database (for my participant page). I going to get started on phase 1 of my fundraising campaign. Phase 2 will involve prepping for the first outside fundraising event. The nice thing about having an event is not only that it raises more money in a shorter period of time, but more importantly it brings people within your community together and creates awareness. It's a win-win situation.
Friday, January 15, 2010
Day 15
Wow, I can't believe that we're already half way through the month of January. Not alot of spare time for walking today, so I decided to wear my pedometer. I've walked nearly 2.5 miles so far just doing normal stuff today. How awesome is that?
Don't think that I wasn't productive though. I did speak with a manager of a Buffalo Wild Wings restaurant today about doing a fundraiser for the 3 Day. All I have to do is fill out a form & pick a date ... once it's approved (in about 2 weeks)they'll send me a computer generated flyer with all the information on it. I email it out, hand out paper copies, put it on MySpace or Facebook and I get 20% of ALL revenues that whole day (the customers have to bring their flyer). All they ask is that you try to distribute at least 250 flyers. You know that old shampoo commercial don't you? ... 'you tell 2 friends, and they'll tell 2 friends, and so on and so on and so on'. You'd be surprised how quickly the word can spread. All you have to do is have people download their flyer or have them make more copies and hand them out. Now all I have to do is pick a date! What do you say? Are you getting hungry?
Don't think that I wasn't productive though. I did speak with a manager of a Buffalo Wild Wings restaurant today about doing a fundraiser for the 3 Day. All I have to do is fill out a form & pick a date ... once it's approved (in about 2 weeks)they'll send me a computer generated flyer with all the information on it. I email it out, hand out paper copies, put it on MySpace or Facebook and I get 20% of ALL revenues that whole day (the customers have to bring their flyer). All they ask is that you try to distribute at least 250 flyers. You know that old shampoo commercial don't you? ... 'you tell 2 friends, and they'll tell 2 friends, and so on and so on and so on'. You'd be surprised how quickly the word can spread. All you have to do is have people download their flyer or have them make more copies and hand them out. Now all I have to do is pick a date! What do you say? Are you getting hungry?
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Day 14
It's 9:45 p.m. and I just got home from a group meeting with friends. It's because of long days like these that last night I decided to plan ahead. I set the alarm clock and only allowed myself '1' snooze. I walked my 3 mile walking dvd before work this morning knowing that tonight would be a late night. I think in order to get through all of the required training and still keep up with normal life responsibilities I'm going to have to learn to be flexible.
I had a representative from the American Cancer Society's local Relay For Life event come by my office today. We started talking about me having walked in two previous events and I told her that this year I was going to walk in the 3 Day. She asked how my training was going. I just laughed and told her that I had already starting 'training so that I'd be ready when I had to start my REAL training'.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Day 13
A friend of mine did his computer magic tonight and was able to connect my 3 Day donation 'widget' to this blog. That is so awesome AND it makes my blog very colorful. Thanks, Marc ... you are the best!
Today was just another busy day. More mental activity than physical, but that's bound to happen sometimes. I'm sitting here in my office, with my 'new' training tennis shoes on feeling very comfortable but am also anxious to head home for the night. I'm sure I'll have more to contribute tomorrow. Until then ... good night.
Today was just another busy day. More mental activity than physical, but that's bound to happen sometimes. I'm sitting here in my office, with my 'new' training tennis shoes on feeling very comfortable but am also anxious to head home for the night. I'm sure I'll have more to contribute tomorrow. Until then ... good night.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Day 12
They say you've got to start somewhere, so today I sent my first small batch of fundraising emails for the 3 Day Walk For The Cure. I sent 12 emails out at 5:00pm and received my first donation tonight. Thanks Kyle! Every time you get a donation you realize that someone out there believes in you and has chosen to support your cause. It's a wonderful feeling and reinforces your drive that you're doing something with a purpose.
Monday, January 11, 2010
Day 11
Busy day at work, but made it to the gym tonight for a good workout. Gees, it was crowded. I think a lot of people joined to fulfill their New Year's resolution. I hope to see all those same faces come March. If not, then it'll be more room on the treadmills for me. Goodness knows, I've got A LOT of training to do.
On a side note, someone inquired what the name of my home walking dvd is. It's by Leslie Sansone and is called 'walk at home' ... 3 mile walk. Hope that helps.
On a side note, someone inquired what the name of my home walking dvd is. It's by Leslie Sansone and is called 'walk at home' ... 3 mile walk. Hope that helps.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Day 10
Today I took a little break, but was able to buy a new pair of shoes for the 3 Day (which I'm sure there'll be more of). I also worked on setting up my training schedule in the computer so I can update each week with my progress. I hope to get that link set up soon. I'm also starting to work on some details for a fundraising event I hope to have in April. It should be a lot of fun, with a little bit of something for everyone to enjoy.
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Day Nine
It's a cold snowy day and I've stayed in to catch up on life (otherwise known as home projects). Finally heading out though to do some walking at the mall. I've been reviewing the walker handbook and I think it's going to become a 'second Bible to me' ... something I need to review every day so it stays fresh in my mind.
Tomorrow I'm going to try and grasp on to some quality computer time to work on some 3 Day For The Cure webpage stuff. Maybe I'll head over to the library. Stay tuned.
Tomorrow I'm going to try and grasp on to some quality computer time to work on some 3 Day For The Cure webpage stuff. Maybe I'll head over to the library. Stay tuned.
Friday, January 8, 2010
Day Eight
I had a great conversation today with a friend who had walked in a 3 Day For The Cure event a short while ago. I spent a few minutes bombarding her with questions and found it very encouraging. We discussed shoes, blisters, training, fundraising, memories of her experience, and goals for mine. By the time we were done, I felt 3" taller, 5# lighter and had a sense that nothing could stop me. Thanks Michelle ... it was just what I needed!
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Day Seven
I can't believe it's day 7 already. I had a slow ride home tonight ... the first snow of the year. Of course people drive like it's something new in Michigan and they've never seen it before. I decided to spend the evening with a cup of hot tea and some planning. I got a great idea for a fundraising event today and once I get an idea ... well let's just say 'the pen started flying on the paper with notes'. I get so excited about this kind of stuff. Then I started reading through my walker handbook and the 24-week training schedule. It's alot but you have to start somewhere.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Day Six
As you can probably tell, today I 'tweeked' the colors and layout of my blog. I hope this is a bit more user-friendly. I also think the colors are more soothing; as much as I like pink the last format was a little overpowering.
There is one other new thing on the page tonight ... thanks to a co-worker I have a link on the right hand side that will connect you directly to my 3-Day participant page. It will also allow you to make a donation. You may not know this, but each walker in the 3-Day event is required to raise a minimum of $2,300 before we can actually participate in the walk itself. To some people that may sound intimidating, but I have a HUGE amount of faith in what all of us can accomplish for this worthy cause. Where I'm intimidated is with the actual training and 3 days of walking a total of 60 miles. I keep telling myself that if I can beat cancer and come out of it on the other side, then I have more fight in me than I give myself credit for.
I welcome your encouragement AND anyone that may want to train and walk with me. Even if you don't want to walk in the event, I'd love the company on my walks.
Let me know what you think of the new format.
There is one other new thing on the page tonight ... thanks to a co-worker I have a link on the right hand side that will connect you directly to my 3-Day participant page. It will also allow you to make a donation. You may not know this, but each walker in the 3-Day event is required to raise a minimum of $2,300 before we can actually participate in the walk itself. To some people that may sound intimidating, but I have a HUGE amount of faith in what all of us can accomplish for this worthy cause. Where I'm intimidated is with the actual training and 3 days of walking a total of 60 miles. I keep telling myself that if I can beat cancer and come out of it on the other side, then I have more fight in me than I give myself credit for.
I welcome your encouragement AND anyone that may want to train and walk with me. Even if you don't want to walk in the event, I'd love the company on my walks.
Let me know what you think of the new format.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Day Five
Well it's after 10pm, but I wanted to get an entry in for today. I think I promised to share the story behind the team name for the 3 day. Right now our team consists of 2 people ... my sister & I. (but like the Bible says in the Book of Matthew ... 'wherever 2 or more are gathered ...'). Two is a good place to start. Anyway, we were having a discussion on Christmas Day about possible names when my sister remembered something our dad used to say (he passed away 13 years ago) when we were kids. He would ask us what German people call a bra. He said they called them 'keepemfromfloppins'. We figured the breast cancer connection to that would be to 'keepemfloppin' so we shortened it up and added the punctuation to make it kēpümflöp’n. Are you intrigued? Think maybe you want to join our team and our quest to help beat breast cancer?
I can tell you first hand of the importance. I am a breast cancer survivor and know the pains and struggles of cancer. My son, Dan, is an Associate Instrcutor and Grad Student at Indiana University. He talks about working with breast cancer research and knows the $$ it takes to conduct such research. The 3 Day is a worthwhile event on so many levels.
I can tell you first hand of the importance. I am a breast cancer survivor and know the pains and struggles of cancer. My son, Dan, is an Associate Instrcutor and Grad Student at Indiana University. He talks about working with breast cancer research and knows the $$ it takes to conduct such research. The 3 Day is a worthwhile event on so many levels.
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