Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Day 161

The past week was one with training challenges. I went out of town for a few days and was unable to walk my longer training walks on the weekend. I did wear my pedometer to keep track of my walking at the airports and while out sightseeing in downtown Boston. I was also able to walk 2-3 miles on the treadmill in the mornings at the hotel fitness center. While I realize that 'something' is better than 'nothing', I can't help feeling like I underachieved in my training for the week.
This week will be better but still not where I want it to be. Due to summer cutbacks with my job, beginning this week I will have the next 12 Fridays off. I plan to make the best of it and walk my longer walks on Fridays and my secondary longer walks on Saturday so that I will begin having my back-to-back longer walks. Unfortunately while I will walk at least 12 miles this Friday, I will not be walking on Saturday due to a family wedding.
My back-to-back training schedule will have to wait yet another week. Hopefully by the end of June things will slow down. At least I should have 5-6 weeks where I can walk the longer back-to-back walks before the 3Day event ... I just hope that it'll be good enough. I am still walking on Tuesday and Thursday nights, so that part of the program hasn't lacked.

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