Friday, February 19, 2010

Day 50

I found this week's training to go pretty well ... of course, this is the easiest week of the 24-week schedule. I think my biggest problem is going to be trying to get all of the training in, work full time and still keep up with all my regular (wife & mother) responsibilities. And that doesn't even include the fundraising aspect. Fortunately that part is moving along at a good pace. I still have a ways to go, but feel confident that I'll get there.

One of my problems (or strengths, depending if you're a 1/2 empty or 1/2 full kind of person) is that I have what a friend of mine terms 'Gene 126'. That's the extra gene that can either make you REALLY organized or REALLY anal about stuff. If the minimum fundraising goal to walk in the 3-Day walk is $2,300, then I want to start with $2,500 (it's a more well-rounded number) ... and if I'm shooting for $2,500 ... well $3,000 sounds so much better. I'm sure my friend (who shall remain nameless) and I probably aren't the only people out there with this extra 'gene', but who really knows for sure.

On a positive note, I did get up early this morning and walk my 3 miles before coming in to work. I knew I'd be busy tonight and didn't want to feel guilty when I was trying to have a little down time and little fun with friends.

Thanks to everyone for your continued support with fundraising, walking, motivation and prayers. I certainly couldn't be doing any of this without you.

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