Friday, February 26, 2010

Day 57

It's been a very snowy week, also nearing the end of my 2nd official week of 3Day training. The training has been a bit challenging to fit in around a full time work schedule. I can't walk outside yet ... it's dark in the morning and in the evening. I've been relying on my walking dvds & the gym during the week and hitting the mall on the weekend. It's getting done somehow, but did I mention that I'm REALLY looking forward to the springtime ... warmer temperatures and longer amounts of daylight? I'm sure I did.

Fundraising has been going really well. I've almost reached my minimum required goal which means I'll be able to walk in the event. But I've upped my goal and probably will again before it's all over. I've got a personal fundraising event coming up on March 14th at a local Buffalo Wild Wings and then we have a team event (silent auction & bake sale) scheduled for April. My hope is that any of my fundraising event donations (that are cash or check) I will be able to put aside til the event gets closer then apply them to any other teammate who made need a push to hit their goal. I'm extremely fortunate to have had the response that I've had. I'm not exactly sure why people have been so generous unless it's because I am SO passionate about the cause because of my own personal cancer experience that perhaps they sense that. I am truly thankful for everyone's support, but like I told my husband last night ... 'It is about the money because every donation could bring us one step closer to a cure, but also about the fact that EVERY person that make a donation (no matter how big or how little) ... well it means that I've extended the awareness'. If EVERY person who makes a donation, comes to an event, or goes on a walk with me gets a mammogram or makes sure that they talk about breast cancer with their wife, their mother, thier sister or their daughter ... just think of the possibilities.

I survived cancer because I detected it early and then I had choices. I had stage II cancer AND it had already traveled to my lymph nodes. If I had ignored the symptoms til later, my Stage II could have easily become Stage IV because my cancer grew very quickly. If that had happened you might not be reading this blog.


  1. You are a remarkable woman Jennifer for many reasons! I am so fortunate to have met you at that meeting. Great job on your fundraising, that is just awesome!!!

  2. I have a feeling you're one of the ones who is going to keep me young, as well as motivated.
