Friday, January 22, 2010

Day 22

Yesterday was another of those long, busy days - but in a good way. I have a friend who thinks they're ready to sign up and join our 3 Day team. That will mean our team of 2 has increased by 50%. Not bad. I've had a few donations start to come in. It's wonderful how supportive people are when they realize the work you plan to put in for the cause. I'm finding that this whole 3 Day undertaking is no small thing. Training and fundraising and creating awareness all take a lot of dedication and commitment ... two things I don't take lightly.

Yesterday I knew I would be busy and not have the time to take a 'real walk' (all at one time), so I decided to wear my pedometer for the day just to see how much walking I would do in the course of a busy day. I surprised myself ... nearly 4 miles. That helped me to feel a lot less lazy or guilty when I actually went to bed for the night.

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