Sunday, January 3, 2010

Day Three

It's Day Three already ... wow how time flies. Tomorrow the holidays are officially over for me and I'm back to work. Yesterday I purchased a walking dvd (until yesterday I didn't really know there was such a thing). My treadmill is at home, in the basement, and it faces the wall ... needless to say it takes A LOT of motivation to make myself walk on it. But it's a bit chilly outside for any serious walking (the windchill last night was below 0). The walking dvd is supposed to get you through a brisk 3 mile walk indoors. I'll try it out this afternoon and let you know how it goes. The winter months may just require some creative training on my part.


  1. hello. thank you for inviting me to follow your blog. I also walk on the treadmill and like you it faces a wall! Nick did buy me a Ipod Nano, and on it is a program linked to Nike+active home and it is wonderful! It gives you something to look forward to and when you see your accomplishments its rewarding. I would like the name of the video that you got and see if I could find it out here, I need all the help I can get till it gets warm enough to go back to the park!...thanks again for including me!

  2. I'll check the name of the walking dvd at home and let you know what it is. The dvd is broken down to let you know when you've completed 1, 2 & 3 miles. It truly goes by REALLY quickly. I'm sure I'll use the treadmill still from time to time in the winter, but at least it gives me an option. Thanks for the comment.
