Sunday, May 2, 2010

Day 123

Overall it was a productive week. Got the last of my auction item donations mailed in to the 3Day to be processed and posted. Now I need to send some thank you letters out to my bakers and auction item donors. The event was good, but a lot of work.
The good news is that I was able to clock in 20.5 miles this past week in walking. I took a vacation day last Friday and was able to meet 2 other women (one of them a fellow 3-Day walker and survivor) for an early morning walk. Got 6.5 miles in for the morning and another 2.5 in the afternoon and evening. Come the middle of June I will have Fridays off of work and will finally be able to get back to back days of longer walks in. Right now it's been difficult to accomplish that with my daughter's school events, work schedules and family obligations. I'm hoping that if I get the mileage in during the week in increments whenever I can now, that if I can finally do longer back to back days every week for the 8 weeks prior to the event that my body will be accustomed enough to the length of the walks. I keep telling myself I need to do more than I am, but at the same time I'm doing the best that I can while still keeping up with regular reponsibilities.
I'll just continue to take it one step at a time.


  1. The busy schedule makes it hard to get the walking in but I did hear someone say (on my last training walk) that it doesn't matter if the walking is split during the day. My plan is try to get the longer walks in on Friday or Saturday and the rest of the week - walk as much as I can - whenever I can.

  2. Jennifer you'll do absolultely fine! Really you still have plenty of time. If you look at the training schedule, the mid-week walks are all pretty short (by 3-day standards), with the longer miles starting to show up for back-to-back days of walking starting this month. If you start in June and do your longer back-to-back walks for a couple months, you'll do great for the 3-day and will have gotten yourself into shape. You'll be able to see how your body feels and responds to these longer walks and you can adjust whatever needs adjusting. Don't forget to bring your fanny pack, or backpack or whatever you plan to wear for the 3-day so you can see how it feels to walk that many miles with it.
    I really enjoy walking with you and once you have your Friday's off, would love to walk with you as well if you want company.
    Cheers to you and you're doing absolutely fantastic!!!!

  3. Thanks for the support guys. I'm always a bit leary when I dive off into the great unknown like this. My biggest problem is usually my lack of confidence. I just want to make the most of the whole experience and be able to enjoy it all.
