Sunday, April 25, 2010

Day 116

I'm so sorry that it's been nearly 2 weeks since my last posting. I can say that it's been very busy and very hectic, but also a very productive two weeks. As you know our 3-Day team has been gearing up for our 1st team fundraiser (our Silent Auction / Bake Sale). The event was yesterday and for all basic purposes went great. We advertized, we prepped, we got the word out, we got some awesome auction donations (67 of them to be exact)and more baked goods than I could even count. We really had no idea what to expect. The turnout was lighter than we had hoped for, but it was dreary and drizzled out all day. I don't know if that played a factor or not. Overall, though, I was impressed with the final outcome. As a team more than $2600 was raised for the Susan G. Komen 3-Day for the Cure. People were very supportive not only of the event and the walkers, but also for the cause itself (which to me is the most important).

I want to thank each of my teammates and their families. Every one there worked very hard and displayed nothing but genuine 'niceness' (if that's the right way to say it). So thank you to my teammates: Cindy, Stefanie and Kristen. Thank you to Cindy's family, Kimmy & her friend, Emily. Thank you to my family, Steve & Emily. Thank you to Kristen's family, John & Natalie. Thank you to Stefanie's family, Kraig, Alyssa, Jacob & Pam. And thanks to our friends Nancy & Michelle. None of this would have been so successful without everyone's dedication to the cause.

For me now it's time to get serious about my training. No more excuses about event preparations.

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