Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Day 207

A lot has happened in a week since my last blog entry. I took a small training break and let my knee and heels heal (no pun intended). My feet are feeling much better this week. So my training is on track.

My fundraising hit a huge milestone this week. I went over $5,000. Thank you to everyone who has supported me (in so many ways).

I also received some great news this week. I was invited to carry one of the 'inspiration flags' for both the opening and closing ceremonies at the 3Day event. There will be close to 50 flags all with messages of 'hope', 'dreams', 'events' and several 'honor flags'. Walking in honor of a 'mother', 'sister', 'friend', 'aunt', 'neighbor', etc. I will be carrying the flag marked 'myself'. I feel very honored to carry a flag that indicates that I am survivor. If you are at either of the ceremonies watch for me.

The 3Day event is now less that 3 weeks away. I've been prepping my packing list, washing & wearing my walking clothes and socks, etc. We have our new team hats ready to go. At this point there's just lots and lots of details and excitement.


  1. Congrats on raising the $5000! Way to go!

  2. Thanks. I have another $30 in cash that has come in so I will probably post that this week to Kristen's since she's still a little short. I don't have control over the online donations or the mailed in checks.
